Monday, November 29, 2010

30-Day Giving - Week 4

Here's my summary for this past week.  Only two more days to go in what has been an interesting month!

Monday - helped a stranded motorist jump his car
Tuesday - brought a friend coffee
Wednesday - paid for Starbucks for the person behind me in the drive through
Thursday, Friday, Saturday - spend time with friends
Sunday - helped with my church's music ministry

Monday, November 22, 2010

30-Day Giving - Some More Ideas

I want to highlight two giving ideas.  
1.  I really enjoy seeing the Salvation Army buckets and the bell-ringers out and about.  And in my opinion, the bell-ringers are some of the most cheerful people I have ever come across.  Here in Minnesota, the temperatures are in the 20s and 30s and yet they still cheerfully greet and welcome shoppers.  I'd like to give them a double thumbs up!
2.  I was excited to stumble across the opportunity to send holiday cards to service members through the Red Cross.  I'm excited about how easy it is to get involved.  This would also be a great idea for a Sunday school class or school class to follow through with.  What a great way to thank the men and women in our military for the service they render us.  
I hope you are able to catch some of the spirit of giving and are able to get involved.  Have you come across any great ideas you'd like to share?

30-Day Giving - Week 3

It's hard to believe that November is more than half over.  

Here's my summary for week three:
Monday - emptied out my change in a Salvation Army bucket
Tuesday - volunteered at a local library
Wednesday - helped out with my church's Wednesday evening children's program
Thursday - sent a card to a service member through the Red Cross's Holiday Mail for Heroes program
Friday - sent a note of encouragement to a friend
Saturday - helped with my church's English classes for immigrants in our community
Sunday - helped with my church's annual pie fellowship

Monday, November 15, 2010

30-Day Giving - Week 2

Here's my summary for week two:
Monday - dropped off some things at Goodwill
Tuesday - volunteered at a local library
Wednesday - helped out with my church's Wednesday evening children's program
Thursday - contributed towards Awana's Children at Risk program
Friday - sent a note of encouragement to a friend
Saturday - helped with my church's English classes for immigrants in our community
Sunday - sent a note of encouragement to a friend

You might notice that this week looks similar to my summary for week one.  Well, I'm a creature of habit, and for me, having a plan for my giving is what works for me.  

Thursday, November 11, 2010

30-Day Giving - Some Tips

Today, I came across this link from Awana.  They list some helpful ideas for giving, especially for getting your family involved as a whole.  

Monday, November 08, 2010

30-Day Giving - Week 1

Monday was the first of November, which also kicked off the 30-Day Giving Challenge.  As mentioned previously, I've decided this year to take this challenge.  

Here's my summary for week one:
Monday - dropped off food for the food drive my church was having for seminary students at a nearby seminary
Tuesday - volunteered at a local library
Wednesday - helped out with my church's Wednesday evening children's program
Thursday - left a note of encouragement to a fellow teacher
Friday - sent a note of encouragement to a friend
Saturday - helped with my church's English classes for immigrants in our community
Sunday - taught junior church

It's been fun to help out this past week with different needs.  And as I mentioned in my introductory post, I'm enjoying trying to do as much of my "giving" anonymously.  
I came across this verse this morning, and was impressed with how aptly it fit in context with this post.  “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."  (Matthew 6:2-4 ESV)
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