Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Always Be Thankful

As Paul writes to the Philippians, there are four actions he encourages them to make a pattern of their lives: always be thankful, always be bold, always obey, and always rejoice. What does it look like to practice these actions on a continual basis?

Paul gives thanks to God for the Philippians. (1:3-4)
Whenever Paul remembers the Philippians he thanks God for them. Paul had seen God work in the lives of the Philippians in significant ways. Lydia had been saved and opened up her house for the believers to meet there. The Philippian jailer had seen Paul and Silas rejoicing in God even when they had been beaten and were put in jail (see Acts 16). Additionally, the Philippians had been an encouragement to Paul; not the least because they had sent Epaphroditus to update him on how the Philippians were doing. As believers, we should strive to be the type of people that cause other believers to thank God for us. In our own prayers, we should thank God for the fellow believers that encourage us.

Whenever he prays for them he makes his requests with joy.
Paul does not consider it a burden to pray for the Philippians, but he is glad to bring them before God’s throne of grace. Part of his ministry to them is his interceding in prayer for them. While he couldn’t physically be with them and encourage them because of his imprisonment, he could still minister to them through his prayers. What an encouragement it must have been for the Philippians to know that Paul was praying for them! So many times we think that ministry is “doing”. And yes, there is a certain truth that ministry involves actively being involved in the lives of others. However, I think we vastly underestimate how much encouragement and impact we can have by bringing others in our requests before God’s throne of grace. May we be more faithful in our earnest prayers for our loved ones, our friends, and our missionaries.

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