Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Stones of Fire by Isobel Kuhn

I recently finished reading Stones of Fire by Isobel Kuhn.
Here are some quotes that stood out to me.

"Put the two together, and we have stones–principle; fire–passion; principle shot through with passion, passion held by principle. That is the description of a human stone of fire."
(Kindle edition, location 41)

"In other words, a quick succession of hard, unconquerable particles pressed against the jewel will polish it. The spiritual counterparts, as God brings them into human lives, especially at certain periods, are sharp painful events that follow fast one upon another, all of them irresistible, cannot be pushed away, must be accepted and endured. When the skeif is removed, one sees the beautiful lights of patience, self-sacrifice and humility shining forth. Mortals call it war. Those who watch it from above, see it as the Master lapidary’s diamond dust polishing His stones of fire."
(Kindle edition, location 753)

One brave missionary who elected to stay behind with the Chinese Church when others of her mission were withdrawing wrote: 'We must out-love, out-serve, out-sacrifice any others who claim to have a way to solve life’s problems.'"
(Kindle edition, location 2092)

You have just finished reading Stones of Fire by Isobel Kuhn.
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