Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung

I recently finished reading Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung.
Here are some quotes that stood out to me.

"The first danger is that busyness can ruin our joy."
(Kindle edition, location 244)

"Planning for margin means planning for the unplannable. It means we understand what’s possible for us as finite creatures and then we schedule for less than that."
(Kindle edition, page 256)

"The second danger is that busyness can rob our hearts."
(Kindle edition, page 267)

"The third danger is that busyness can cover up the rot in our souls."
(Kindle edition, page 292)

"So how can we tell when we are frantic and overwhelmed because of pride and when we are busy for nobler reasons?"
(Kindle edition, page 405)

"God grants wisdom and discernment and good friends to help us understand our hearts. But I can suggest one diagnostic question that has been helpful to me. As I try to discern what’s people-pleasing, self-aggrandizing pride, and what’s genuine service to others, I try to keep in mind this simple question: Am I trying to do good or to make myself look good?"
(Kindle edition, page 407)

"Stewarding my time is not about selfishly pursuing only the things I like to do. It’s about effectively serving others in the ways I’m best able to serve and in the ways I am most uniquely called to serve."
(Kindle edition, page 657)

"It would be better for us and for our kids if we planned fewer outings, got involved in fewer activities, took more breaks from the kids, did whatever we could to get more help around the house, and made parental sanity a higher priority."
(Kindle edition, page 775)

"The antidote is rest, rhythm, death to pride, acceptance of our own finitude, and trust in the providence of God."
(Kindle edition, page 1143)

"Making consistent time for the Word of God and prayer is the place to start because being with Jesus is the only thing strong enough to pull us away from busyness."
(Kindle edition, page 1325)

You have just finished reading Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung.
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