Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Hidden Figures

I recently finished reading Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly.
Here are some quotes that stood out to me.

"What was a plane but a bundle of physics? Physics, of course, meant math, and math meant mathematicians."
(loc 473, Kindle Edition)

"Daring men—and with the exception of Ann Baumgartner Carl at Ohio’s Wright Field, they were all men—the test pilots did the 'damn fool’s job' of flying an airplane directly into its weak spot."
(loc 1231, Kindle Edition)

"Black or white, east or west, single or married, mothers or childless, women were now a fundamental part of the aeronautical research process."
(loc 1637, Kindle Edition)

"Katherine, on the other hand, like the engineers around her, got into the habit of reading newspapers and magazines for the first few minutes of the day. She perused Aviation Week, trying to connect the dots between the latest industry advance and the torrent of numbers flowing through her calculating machine."
(loc 2389, Kindle Edition)

"Being an engineer, Mary Jackson would eventually learn, meant being the only black person, or the only woman, or both, at industry conferences for years."
(loc 2607, Kindle Edition)

"Their employment represented an expansion of the very idea of who had the right to enlist in the country’s scientific workforce."
(loc 2922, Kindle Edition)

"In 1958, Katherine Goble finally made it into the editorial meetings of the Guidance and Control Branch of Langley’s Flight Research Division, soon to be renamed the Aerospace Mechanics Division of the nearly-ready-for-prime-time National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Now, she was going to come along with the program."
(loc 3174, Kindle Edition)

You have just finished reading Hidden Figures.
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