Friday, September 17, 2010

Thoughts on "O Great God"

I came across this song this summer and have listed below some thoughts that I have compiled on it.  

"O great God of highest heaven"
- Our God truly is high and lifted up.  He is to be exalted, and His magnificence is to be proclaimed.  

"my lowly heart"
- In contrast to God I am lowly, and there is a great difference between us.  

"own it all and reign supreme"
- This truly should be my prayer: for God to own every part of me and for Him to reign and control every part.  

"I was blinded by my sin, had no ears to hear Your voice.  Did not know Your love within, had no taste for heaven's joys."
- Here is depicted the absolute lostness the unconverted sinner experiences.  He is blind, deaf, ignorant, and unaware of what he is missing.  

"Then Your Spirit gave me life, opened up Your Word to me.  Through the gospel of Your Son gave me endless hope and peace."
- From such abjection as was expressed earlier, now the sinner soars to heights of hope and peace.  For, the Spirit has given life, God's word makes sense, and the sinner has appropriated salvation through Jesus, the Christ.  

"Help me now to live a life"
- "The old has passed away; behold the new has come" (2 Corinthians 5:17).  A new perspective, a new vision, a new goal, a new mission, a new life, a new power.  

"That's dependent on Your grace"
- That new power is found only in Christ through His grace.  Now instead of striving vainly, we have a new dependency, a new relationship through which we find strength that is outside of us.  

"Keep my heart and guard my soul from the evils that I face"
- The greatest enemies and evils the believer faces are those that attack the heart and soul.  Therefore, the prayer here is for God's protecting power to preserve the believer's heart and soul.  

"You are worthy to be praised with my every thought and deed"
- Every inch, every ounce of my life, my energy, my talents, my strength now has a new reason for functioning: to bring praise to the Most High God.  

"O great God of highest heaven glorify Your Name through me"
- Here, a closing prayer for God to glorify Himself through me.  All is for His glory, and all is by His enabling power.  I am merely the conduit.  Just as a light bulb does not glow for its own benefit, nor does it glow by its own power, so the believer "glows" only for the glory of God by the power of God.  

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