Thursday, June 14, 2007

Tending Sheep in Midian

As I was preparing for my Sunday school class this past Sunday, I was thinking about the life of Moses and what it must have been for him as he fled from Egypt into Midian.

During his forty years in Midian as a simple shepherd, did Moses ever wonder what God was doing? He had been trained at the highest level in leadership and here all he was leading was a bunch of sheep. How often do we find ourselves in a similar situation? We've been through training and all of a sudden, we hit a Midian plain where all there is for us to do is to tend some stupid sheep. Has God forgotten us? No, He's just bringing us through one more phase of our training. So, shepherd, labor faithfully. God has not forgotten you, even though you might be on the backside of the desert. Just wait, God is preparing you - you might be the next Moses to lead His people into freedom.
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