Tuesday, July 04, 2023

1 John - week 8 (1 John 2:28-3:3)

There is no audio from this week, so I’ve posted my notes below.

Having Confidence (2:28-29)
- Since it is the “last hour,” John is exhorting us to practice righteousness so that we may not be ashamed when Christ comes.
- “Thus the anticipated appearing of Jesus in glory forms the climax of the believer’s relationship to him in the present. As such, Christ’s final manifestation may fill the members of his Church with hope, and encourage them (further) to continue in an ethical practice which should in any case characterize their present and ongoing walk with him” (Smalley page 130).
- Our confidence comes from having a right relationship with God. If we are abiding in him, we will be in a right relationship with him.
- Two sides of the same coin: “have confidence” and “not be ashamed”
- Why righteousness? Because God Himself is righteous.
- What is righteousness? It is having a right moral standing with God.
- How do we practice righteousness? By obeying God's word through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Practicing righteousness is another evidence that we are followers of Jesus (“born of Him”) (see also John 1:12-13).
- “Christians are able to walk in the light and they should therefore do so” (Smalley page 137).

- In these verses, there are three things that John points out that we can know.
- We “know that He is righteous” (2:29) - this is a key characteristic of Jesus. He is (and was) without sin. John will circle back to this in 3:5.
- We “know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him” (2:29) - not only is this evidence of spiritual life, but it is something that we can know both about ourselves and about others.
- We “know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him” (3:2) - this is a promise that we can cling to. Jesus will not forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) and He is coming back for us and we will be with Him (John 14:3).

The Father's Love (3:1-3)
- In these verses, John reminds us why we should practice righteousness. John reminds us that the fact that we are called children of God shows the magnitude of God's love toward us.
- John also explains that the reason the world does not know us – why we don't “fit in” – is because the world did not know God,
- What is meant by “the world”? See week 6. - John reassures us that although we do not know all the details of the future, that we can rest assured that we shall be like Christ for we will be able to see Him as He is.
- Because we hope – confidently expect – to see Christ, we purify ourselves. Because He is pure. Because we are earnestly pursuing righteousness. Because He is righteous. (see also Romans 12:1)

How do we know someone (or we ourselves) is a follower of Jesus?
- Do we confidently stand before God since we know that through Jesus we have a right standing with God?
- Do we find comfort in knowing that we are the children of God?
- Do we rest in God even though the world rejects us?
- Do we confidently rest in God’s control of the (our) future?
- Do we purify ourselves?

Key characteristic of a follower of Jesus: Following Jesus means practicing righteousness. This means obeying God's word and avoiding sin.

If you are looking to dig more into 1 John, here are some resources I recommend:
The Letters of John by Gary M. Burge
Letters of John by Colin Kruse
1, 2, and 3 John, Volume 51 by Stephen Smalley
The Letters of John by John R. W. Stott
Calvin’s Commentary on 1 John 2 (online resource)

You can find other posts in this series here.

Looking for some encouragement in your walk with Jesus? I’ve written a devotional book designed to remind you of God’s abundant grace.
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