Tuesday, August 26, 2014


by Carolyn Hamlin

Lord, as I seek your guidance for the day,
I find my thoughts unyielding: confusion clouds my way,
But, then when I bow to you, the challenges you guide me through,
Your promises are ever new: I claim them for today.

Your will cannot lead me where your grace cannot keep me.
Your hand will protect me: I rest in your care.
Your eyes will watch over me: Your love will forgive me.
And when I am faltering, I still will find you there.

Each new day’s design is guided by your hand,
And graciously revealed as I seek your Master plan.
Keep my footsteps faithful when from you I go.
Return me to the joy that your blessings can bestow.

Your will cannot lead me where your grace cannot keep me.
Your hand will protect me: I rest in your care.
Your eyes will watch over me: Your love will forgive me.
And when I am faltering, I still will find you there.

You have just finished reading Grace.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Prose of Romance

"Perhaps, after all, romance did not come into one's life with pomp and blare, like a gay knight riding down; perhaps it crept to one's side like an old friend through quiet ways; perhaps it revealed itself in seeming prose, until some sudden shaft of illumination flung athwart its pages betrayed the rhythm and the music, perhaps… perhaps… love unfolded naturally out of a beautiful friendship, as a golden-hearted rose slipping from its green sheath."

Anne of Avonlea, Lucy Maud Montgomery

You have just finished reading The Prose of Romance.
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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Kepler and His Planetary Motion Laws

"A mathematical model of the solar system doesn’t invoke God, yet Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), when he discovered the mathematical laws of planetary motion, is said to have cried out, ‘O God, I am thinking your thoughts after you!’ There is no symbol representing God in Kepler’s equations but that didn’t stop him ascribing the laws themselves to the divine mind."

Who Made God? (Kindle Locations 1003-1007), Edgar Andrews

You have just finished reading Kepler and His Planetary Motion Laws.
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Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Superabounding Grace

"Grace upon grace" ... I have long been fascinated by this phrase.

It sums up the Christian's experience. Each morning, we are overwhelmed again by His grace. Every moment, we can rejoice because of His grace. It flows into our lives. It renews our hope. We find strength because of His grace.

It superabounds. No sin is so heinous that it cannot be covered. No is sin is so common that it cannot be covered. We stand before God because of grace. We press on in the Christian life because of grace.

No hardship we face is too great. No sadness is too overwhelming. No grief is too debilitating. In all of these, His grace is more than sufficient.

Though you are weary. Though you are discouraged. Though nothing seems to be working out. Hope. Trust. For He pours out His grace on you.

You have just finished reading Superabounding Grace.
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