Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Thoughts on Prayer

What is prayer? At the most basic level, prayer is communication with God. So the question is, do you talk to God? Not just during set prayer times at church. Not just running down a list of requests you have as if you are putting in a grocery order. But really talking to God because He is and He cares about you. If you don't think that you pray very regularly, why not? Do you feel like you need to couch what you are saying to Him in special phrases and words? Why? He already knows what you are thinking. You might as well be honest with Him.

Does God talk to you? I don't mean this in a mystical sense; however, God has given us His word because He wants to communicate with us. You might wish that God would speak to you through other means, but His word is something concrete. And, we can go back to it over and over again.

As you consider these things, I challenge you to take one step forward in your relationship with God. Pick something actionable and tangible. Maybe it's setting aside time for prayer at a certain time of day. Or even while doing a certain activity. I personally find myself frequently talking to God while I'm driving. If you struggle to pick something or to follow through with it, ask God for help. He wants you to grow in your relationship with Him. Ask Him to help you. Don't do this because you feel guilted into it or because you want to be proud of yourself or because you think you will gain favor with God by this. None of those things are true or will help you grow well. Seek to grow your relationship with God because the God of the universe cares about you. Yes, you. God loves you.

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